Our services.

Cementable Zirconia Crowns and Lithium Disilicate restorations.

The most common dental restoration today. We are utilizing top Argen HT Plus Multilayered Discs for best esthetics and durability. After fine tuning design settings for a few years we can comfortably deliver a solid fitting and looking crown for years to come .

Screw Retained Zirconia Crowns.

We utilize 510K FDA-Cleared Dess Titanium bases that allow for angulated screw channels of 25 degrees allowing clinically friendly delivery and long-term servicing .

Full Arch hybrid Screw Retained PMMA and Zirconia.

The most complex of all restorations…OUR SPECIALTY. No full arch rehabilitation project is too big for our years of expertise. We restore hundreds of HYBRIDS a year and work closely with dentist on acquiring and organizing all data acquisition for ultimate success.

Custom Abutments.

Years of working with all major implant manufacturers allows us to comfortably create most accurate and most gingivally contouring custom abutments. Whether its Titanium or Zirconia our abutments are created with proper crown and tissue support.

Diagnostic Services.

Nothing beats a sold diagnostic setup verified by the patient and the clinician before finalizing restoration. We always encourage serious diagnostics on all anterior and full arch cases.

Case Planning and Design Services.

Maybe you have all the machinery to produce things yourself. GREAT!!! Let us help you by providing design services for your manufacturing team.

Feeling lost on how to restore a case?

Give us a buzz and we will solve those pesky problems!!!

Our services.

3D Printed Models .

We only use Carbon 3D Technology for our models. The best in class.

Ask around…Its true!!!

Scheduled training courses for Dentists, Assistants and Technicians.

Having trained technicians, dentists, surgeons and dental assistant for years on all aspects of restorative dentistry we pride ourselves in doing it with passion. Call us to schedule a one on one or a group training at your office or at our location of choice…Its a whole day affair but you will learn quite a bit!!!